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Great answers from the Community
Lockers at our aquatic facilities are separated by gender and our policy has always been that children 5 & older must use the locker that matches their gender. How do we make this less trans and nonbinary exclusive while still having gendered lockers? — Samantha Slayer
Once, I witnessed the excruciating discomfort of a transgendered person trying to change in the women's locker room. My heart ached for this person... Read more here
Hi lovely people..I was wondering are there examples of cities that have taken a gender mainstreaming approach to transport and also to climate change? — Shehnaz Cassim Moosa
There's some interesting work happening in Barcelona around inclusive planning for urban parks and climate adaptation (climate refuges)... Read more here
How to influence upwards, when an organisation's leadership doesn't agree we have a gender inequality issue? — Anonymous
Hi, from my experience the first step is to understand why that is the case. Is it because admitting it would look bad on them, do they have the wrong data... Read more here